
Welcome to the Celestics website!

The operation of this website is relatively easy. These are some basic instructions.

In the main menu, you will find a series of pages (as shown bellow) on this initial version of the website, though it may be modified according to the needs in the future.

Imagen About

Members: here you find a list of all the users who are authorized to use the website. Here you can request friendship from anyone to include them in a group of discussion.

Groups: To start a thread of conversation you need to create a group following these instructions:

1.- Details.
2.- Settings: here you will define different options of privacy (public, private or occult group); invitations; and/or enabling an existing forum. Then, you will have to invite members to the group.
3.- Forum: If a particular group wants to develop a specific thread of discussion, you will enable the option of the forum. This will allow a more organized thread.
4.- Photo.
5.- Cover image.
6.- Invites.

Forum: It shows active forums of the website where you are invited.

Activity: this page is the core of the activity of the website. It allows you to make comments that will be open to all visitors.

Materials: Here you will find all the materials. The access to this page is through a password that will be communicated in due time. If you want to share any material you have created on Celestics, you can send them to nodosedna@gmail.com and we will include them on this page.

About: Instructions to operate the website.

Blog: Any user of the website can post entries. This page is open to all visitors.