MP [3] Sampler Draft Version

The Celestics Sampler 1.0


With the launch of Celestics to the public, this platform offers a service to newcomers, the Sampler. This package is unique to the genre of forensic astronomy. It does not show you how to  learn either to read your horoscope or practice star-sign astrology. It has nothing to do with astrology, and requires no familiarity with it. If you have had your horoscope read by a professional astrologer, or attempted to read it yourself, you can confidently disregard what you learned in doing so. Disregard, but not dismiss or contradict. If you are, say, a Gemini or a Capricorn, you remain so. The person-centered stereotypes  of the starless format  stand on their own terms. Celestics is astronomical, not astrological. It excludes the concept of personality-types. If you are a Leo with the Sun in the constellation of the Crab, that does not mean that you are a Leo-type in the framework of Celestics. The star-zodiac does not generate personality types.

To anticipate misconceived expectations about what’s on offer, I highlight again what I have said elsewhere in the introductory pages: Celestics does not offer a ready-made, computer-generated interpretation of personal complexes, comparable a “horoscope reading” from an astrologer. Instead, it presents a set of the tools, techniques, and guidelines that enable you to discover and interpret the source code of your nativity. The star-based source code of of Celestics…

The Celestics Sampler

The Sampler does not include a ready-made explanation of the manifold, as one receives with a computer-generated horoscope or a personal reading with an astrologer. It does not provide a long-form interpretation of character, attitude, and motives. It does not tell you about yourself using a psychological profile created by someone else. It does not preformulate or predict what’s unfolding in your life pattern. Instead, it shows you how to formulate that pattern on your own, and guides you along the way. To that end, it is like a DIY kit that comes with instructions for assembling a model airplane, a stained-glass window, or a birdhouse. But what you are assembling is the design of your life.

Remember the question above. Would you accept being told about your ultimate course in life by someone else, or would you rather work it out for yourself? How important is self-knowledge to you? Do you really think you can achieve self-direction in some external way, rather than realize it internally and authentically through your own process of discovery?

Celestics provides a tool-kit of terms, tools, and techniques for mastering your own life pattern. The components of the Sampler are:

  1. The manifold in astronomical code, the data table showing positions in the Rimsite (3 below)
  2. The manifold in descriptive language, the syntax table with constellations named
  3. The graphic display of your birth data in the constellations (the Rimsite)
  4. Basic instructions for use, including a few terms in the unique vocabulary of Celestics
  5.  Guidelines for learning how to decode the manifold
  6. An inventory of the 16 basic skill-sets you possess for making your way in life
  7. A breakdown of the five different situations in life where you selectively apply these skill-sets
  8. Two special indications, the Quest and Mastery lines, describing the significance of Sun and Earth in your life pattern — Yes, Celestics includes the Earth which traditional astrology leave out of the horoscope
  9. An inventory of the 16 constellations of the source code
  10. A tutorial (screen record talk)  on how to use the manifold, different from the introductory talk on this page
  11. Links to instructional talks and texts outside this Celestics platform

Additional to that material, the Celestics WP platform presents ample and diverse spoken and written content on the background of Celestics, and more material on the theory and practice of StarBase, including the explanation of the designation, “forensic astronomy.”

To receive the Celestics Sampler, submit your place of birth and birth data: year, month, day, hour and minute (if you know it).

Price: $35