What is the message of Celestics, and what is its benefit to the native?

First, I will briefly cover a little terminology. For those not familiar with astrology, “the native” is a person whose astrological indicators are being discussed. Since Celestics is related to astrology – it is “the astrology of the future and the future of astrology,” in the words of its creator, John Lash – we often use the term to signify a person whose Celestics manifold is generated and interpreted. And “manifold” is the word we use to describe the chart showing the positions of Celestics indicators, or elements, in the real-sky zodiacal constellations; Celestics works with the actual sky, or a direct and literal representation thereof, rather than the 12 sun signs that divide up the zodiac into 12 equal pie-slices, as is done in conventional astrology.

One may find curious (or be curious about) the notion that Celestics has a message. But indeed it does have a message, and it’s a potentially uplifting message for humankind and for individual human animals. To fully understand what that message is, a little background and a description of Celestics are necessary.

Celestics brings to the fore, and in fact is based on, the novel notion of phylogentic transfer – that each of us inherits, at birth, a set of endowments from the pool of human talents, abilities and skills that have been developed to varying degrees of refinement and attainment by people in the past; and that this inheritance is not necessarily drawn from one’s direct lineage or biological ancestry. For example, a Canadian of British (or French) ancestry might inherit mathematical ability, with a particular focus, that had been brought to a high level of development in the past by Indian and Persian mathematicians. The phylogenetic transfer is not from a particular individual or genetic line, but from a pool that embraces all of humanity and all past human accomplishments.

What is the mechanism of such posited inheritance? It appears to be some part (perhaps the entirety) of the the non-coding DNA that biologists have in the past dismissed as “junk.” It seems very likely that it is in fact anything but junk, that it contributes significantly to the totality of what makes human specimens individually unique, and that without it humanity would be a very limited and uninteresting species.

The further startling assertion of Celestics – although perhaps not so startling to anyone who happens to believe in the basic propositions of astrology, or the Hermetic formula, “as above, so below” – is that the content of one’s phylogenetic inheritance is correlated directly and intimately with the positions of certain indicators, elements of the Solar System, in the zodiacal constellations at the time of one’s birth. Of course, that’s a notion at which many people will scoff, and that they’ll automatically dismiss, thinking it can’t possibly be true, and therefore they will maintain an a priori bias against any information supporting the idea; this is how most human minds work – a sad state of affairs in that it defines one’s worldview as a small and confining box, which tends to be a situation that doesn’t really serve one’s best interests. But if the reader is still with me, maintaining an understandably skeptical yet open-minded attitude, let me say that Celesticians and their clients find this correlation to be amazingly accurate and reliable; and if that disturbs or challenges anyone’s worldview, I urge that person to investigate further, as his/her worldview may be due for some modification.

“Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Do the astronomical positions reflected in a Celestics manifold – and likely others that are yet to be discovered – in some way determine the endowments a person receives? Is one’s “junk” DNA therefore in an undetermined, or only partially-determined, state until the moment one exits the womb into the external world, at which moment the state of that DNA finalizes in a configuration that’s reflective of the manifold – or is the moment of one’s birth instead determined by the endowment that one received sometime during gestation prior to birth? Those are questions to which no one knows the answer, and the answer, whatever it is, doesn’t appear to be important to the practical use of Celestics. Regardless of how the local-universal intelligence utilizes, or has chosen to be bound by, those astronomical indicators, it is apparent that a profoundly real and significant correlation exists, and Celestics was developed as a means of accessing and interpreting that correlation.

What is the inevitable result of one’s using Celestics to generate and interpret a native’s manifold? (Every Celestician examines his or her own manifold in detail, just as every serious astrologer must be familiar with his or her own birth chart; thus we are among our very first natives as we develop our knowledge and skill, and we remain natives for life, since we return periodically to the study of our own manifolds.) The inevitable result is greater self-knowledge on the native’s part, which can be beneficial and, in some cases, truly life-changing.

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I can, for example, use my own manifold to illustrate. As a student of Celestics, in developing (generating and interpreting) my own manifold, I learned to question and rethink some fundamental life decisions I made decades ago – for example, my career choice.

Because I enjoyed most of the activities involved and showed aptitude for them, and corporations pay workers well who are skilled in the execution of those activities, I chose to become a software developer. I knew when I made that choice that although the field of computer science and programming was interesting to me, I was not truly passionate about it. It wasn’t likely that I’d become a superstar in that field, in spite of the fact that I have the requisite intelligence and proclivities to excel as a developer, because I would never be one to focus on my work as a software professional for more than (approximately) the minimum required number of hours per day, week or month. That’s not to say that I haven’t looked after my continuing education, but it’s to say that my focus in doing so has been almost entirely practical – doing enough to keep myself gainfully employed and productive in the work environments in which I have found myself over the years, and little beyond that point. It’s not that I have lacked interest in programming so much as that I’ve remained interested in a hundred or a thousand other things, and I have strived to be a well-rounded person (according to my own highly-customized definition of what that means) rather than an obsessive specialist. And that is “well and good,” given that people differ and I am configured in a certain way that happens to differ from the configuration that seems to have accrued to individual “big names” in the software industry.

I’m getting to a different point, remaining thankful for the reader’s patience, but I would like to take a moment to highlight and discuss my tendency to maintain a broad range of interests. I actually had a friend once who criticized me for that characteristic, describing me as a “butterfly” who flitted from flower to flower (interest to interest), gathering a shallow level of knowledge about many topics but stopping short of becoming an expert in any. (That was in the days before I decided to get a bachelor’s degree in computer science; at the time, I was a poor, unskilled laborer with an uncharacteristically “geeky” personality and range of interests.) I saw some truth in the accusation, and I was motivated by it to do some beneficial self-examination and make decisions – one of which was to choose a specialty and acquire a high level of skill at some set of activities that would give my work more economic value. And of course, those were in themselves beneficial things to do.

What reviewing my life in the light of my Celestics manifold has done for me is as follows: It has helped explain my proclivities and has exalted and sacralized them as gifts from the universe – or more specifically, from the local divinity, Gaia-Sophia; it has helped me to see them not as a set of unrelated “mixed blessings” that can be viewed as liabilities, but as a significant and unusual unified asset; and, without guilt-tripping me for past mistakes arising from lack of knowledge, understanding and appreciation of my unique set of gifts, I feel very encouraged to make the best use of what I now recognize as my endowment for the remainder of my life.

When I was 18 years old, I consulted with a psychologist who gave me a battery of tests that led me to increased self-knowledge at that time, but to no particular beneficial choices. One of the things the psychologist and I discussed was my attraction to “helping” roles – for example, in the context of friendship, I enjoyed listening sympathetically to people’s problems and occasionally offering my perspective on their conundrums, which was sometimes helpful; and I found the strengths and weaknesses of people’s mental and emotional configurations and the challenges of human psychology interesting. “Then why aren’t you attracted to the helping professions (such as being a psychologist or psychiatrist)?” He wondered aloud; and I told him that, for some reason, I couldn’t picture myself fulfilling such a role professionally. I have come to realize that I am perennially attracted to the fringes and leading edges of human knowledge and to the relatively more esoteric thought-streams and practices, so studying Freud and Jung, along with the intersection of talk therapy and pharmacology, and trying to apply such knowledge to helping others simply didn’t interest me.

Yet, through Celestics I’ve come to understand that I have (as does everyone) an in-built social mission and social message, and I’ve come to know something about what those are, and to see them in the context of many other strengths, tendencies, and inherent influences that tend to aim me in certain preferred directions. I’ve gained the realization that helping others and helping humanity are actually very important to me; and that my strong basic desires in those areas are never going to be fulfilled via developing software. I’m nearing the age when I’ll be expected to retire from the software industry anyway, and anyone who’s desirous of remaining productively involved in life after “retirement” does well to determine and organize the next stage of his/her life in advance, so I am anticipating a career change (not retirement) sometime within the next few years; and what I intend to do, very consistently with my Celestics manifold and my configuration of endowments, is specialize and focus in the individual healing and personal development field(s). I have a strong sense that by assisting individuals to learn about themselves and to bring forth and express their talents and abilities to the full, I will be contributing in a positive way to the evolution of humanity – to what we in Celestics (deriving the terminology and concepts from the legacy of the pre-Christian Gnostics) refer to as the ongoing development of the definition of the Anthropos, elaborating in positive ways, to the extent of our capability, what it means to be human.

I have maintained an interest in numerous subjects correlated with such a course over years and decades, and I’ve gathered significant knowledge of those subjects and certain skills at an advanced amateur level. And I now have obtained, via Celestics, both permission and what amounts (in my mind, at least) to a divine mandate to pursue the development of such knowledge and skills further, indeed to the maximum level of development of which I’m capable. This is a significant shift in perspective and attitude for me, and it promises to be a very beneficially life-changing one.

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Everyone who comes to Celestics, whether as a practitioner or a client, can expect results that will be broadly similar or comparable to mine; yet inevitably, the specifics of their results will vary as much as people themselves do. In some respects, we gain confirmation of things we already knew about ourselves. In others, we’re likely to gain new and quintessentially valuable insights. The results can be both life-affirming and life-changing. It’s very likely that new vistas of opportunity and motivation will open up for the native.

Searching for the answer to existential questions such as, “What is the meaning of life?” leads one directly to the contemplation of a more personal perspective: “What is the meaning of my life?” And that question leads to other, related questions, such as: “How can I, or should I, define the meaning of my own life? By what course of action can I best imbue my life with meaning?” – and even to examining the transpersonal level: “What does, or can, my life mean in within the context of the meaning of overall human development and history?” Celestics can provide significant aid to the questioner by pointing the way toward the answers, although it won’t necessarily serve them up “on a silver platter.” Many of us have the will to do the work to develop ourselves and to fulfill our destiny as individuals; we just need to be pointed in the right direction, and Celestics helps solve that problem in a way that can provide one with a sense of certitude and confidence.

I hope I’ve satisfactorily answered the two-part question used as the title of this article. The answer isn’t terribly complicated in its essence, but it is subject to endless elaboration. In any case, my elaboration on it here and now is approaching its end.

I will close with a paragraph of notes I took on one of the Celestics class audio lectures delivered by the developer of Celestics, John Lash – which material may bear some explaining, but I choose to leave it as it is, for the reader’s consideration and contemplation. It is neither necessary nor desirable to have every detail of everything that is written or said explained to the reader or listener at every juncture; rather, it’s desirable to deliver information that’s packaged in such a way as to engender a hunger to know more; and I think this paraphrase of John’s words will accomplish that admirably.

As a Celestician, you can become a psychologist of Euphanes and Shodashi, on the vanguard of the self-knowledge of the human species. “Know thyself” – and Celestics is a paramount means by which one can do so. Celestics does not provide a way for humans to become superhuman; rather, it provides us with the means to elucidate the Anthropos. The phylogenetic transfer described in the manifold gives one something to “live into.” By your description of the Anthropos, the Anthropos lives through you, and everyone has the potential to attain that description at a genius level. Genius is extremely subjective and each of us has our own version – the singular and individual expression of the Anthropos (or a part of it) in a human animal. The Anthropos-self equation blows away the entrapping God-self equation. The Anthropos-self is the gateway to the true sanity and healing of the human mind.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Daniel_Nicholson says:

    Extremely thorough introduction with a professional quality. There is now a short complement to this under the title ‘The Celestial Code’.

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